Thursday, July 9, 2009

4 states X 1 day = phew!!

The route 66 song keeps going through my head...but it is a little different....

We are in St. George as I log this (Utah). My mom, my sons and I have taken a big bite out of life starting thi week, and I have found if I didn't already know, at least in this way...

Man, I am a BRAVE woman.

The Honda is in tow...and we are longer than the gas station islands. I know this because I have overshot the deisel pump twice and instead of backing up the motor home with the van attached YIKES I pull out after going to the pump to swipe my card to find out I don't know what the heck B2 deisel is or which out of the list of five places I am requesting to put it in to. Thank God for cell phones and my husband who always answers.

Where is my friendly high roofed Chevron at the north end of my town when I need it most?

Life is amazing...a couple of years ago, we took the "Missions Mission" tour as Cam had finished 4th and as part of his curriculum, they studied the missions. We got to most of them, and plan to finish around Cole's 4th grade year.

We did the Grand Canyon a few years back...I kind of think Zion is more appealing- looking up instead of dowwwwwwwn.

Zion and the last leg of Arizona on the 15 have been carved by a clever little river known as the Virgin River. I am resisting all jokes.

This year, the theme seems to be Mountains/ National Monuments.

I just have one question...How did God decide where to use His paintbrush? Boom! out of nowhere, around a random corner...and suddenly we are in awe of the splendor yet again.

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