Aunt Jan, Uncle Ron and us...

So this is what mischeif looks like when it grows up. I have loved hearing all of the stories from when Terry and Gary were growing up...Uncle Bill and Uncle Ron are many of their best memories of childhood.

I have heard about these burgers for 15 years...tried it. Once.

And we are talking seriously the tooooppppp!
Turning 12 in Missouri...

I love all of the architecture. Everywhere we went were such wonderful old structures to see.

The Gateway to the West...

A bird's eye view.
f only we had wings...

From the top of the St. Louis Arch.

This is the tiny capsule we rode up in. It is the tallest landmark.

What a perfect place for this young man to be on his special day. At least the Arch in the background makes him look a little small still ;)

Do you see the family resemblence? Cole and Conner played all day at Uncle Bill and Aunt Phoebe's...they look like two peas in a pod.
Gary's brother Terry and his wife Linda-I am so lucky to be a part of Gary's family.
Linda and Aunt Phoebe on Gary's birthday.

The Butterfly house was amazing!

Of course, they liked Gary...I'm not pouting really...kids and butterflies...I dissapear and all they see is Gary.

All of these wonderful people are related to us, and I finally got to meet them!
In order to keep the "blog police" at bay, I am stopping my procrastinating and finally sharing some wonderful memories with wonderful people.
You captured some amazing moments. the pictures of the arch shadows are so cool. A great trip in more ways than one!