Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cancer Free

The words loft in the clouds somewhere. My sister's tests came back that there is no "living cancer" in her. She has much more to do, but what great news!


  1. Does the time stamp really say 3:29 AM!!! Wow- you are quite the trooper.

    Jenn- Congratulations and a big high-five on the news. That is incredible. I'm so happy for you!

  2. Yesss! Welcome to the blog world...I am thrilled you are up and running! Can't wait to see your day to day adventures...xoxo

  3. WooHoo! to you for joining us in the blog world and of course to Jen for the terrific news. ;-)

  4. Hey Steff...so happy to hear your sister's good news. I think of your family often. Big hugs from us!
