Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hoover Dam

So many of my relatives worked on this damn.  They were Boilermakers.  Most noteably my grandpa Herb and my cousin Duane (his ranch was where Gary and I got married).  I have always wanted to go, not just because of how massive it is, but what it means to me personally to wander the insides of where they worked so hard. 

Did you know it is NOT TRUE that people who fell into the wet cement were left in the dam?  If their bodies were left, it would compromise the structure and solidity of the dam.  So, yes, many men fell in, but their bodies were fished out. 

We're on a raod to nowhere...

I love the pictures of this bridge.  It is being built to bypass traffic from the Hoover Dam.  Next time we see it...we will be on it.

The Harley Boys

The best part about Spring Break was being with Gary's brother Terry and his wife Linda in Arizona.  We have been so lucky to meet up with them two years in a row.  I am hoping it is a tradition that will continue for years to come.  Linda's sister Patty and her husband Dennis were wonderful hosts and tour guides.  The day we got there, they brought over this beautiful Harley for Terry to ride.  Well, that turned into Terry, Gary, Cam and Cole...not me...oh no...not YET.
Yep, two more Harley riders!

While I was Sleeping...

Cameron and Gary did the 5K for Walnut Valley Unified School District's 40th year celebration. 
Cam ran the whole thing, while Gary walked it.
The best part:  this all took place while I was sleeping in having the best dreams!

Fly's Eyes

Cole had a great day yesterday- went to the Discovery Science Center with his friend Jacob. I put these on this morning and...woah!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our Lily

This is our Goddaughter, Lily. Is she not the most precious little sweetheart? The Schoenthals (Dave Mo and Lily) came over last weekend. We had such fun.

Great times! Old friends are such wonderful witnesses of the lives we live! It was so great to see them, spend time, pick up like we never spent any time apart.

Thanks to Leanne for the hairbows...Dave looks smashing in them! I told him I wouldn't put this picture on Facebook (but I didn't say I wouldn't blog it=))

What a blessing to spend time together!

Taking time to stop the car

We rush by these longhorns at lightening sped at least once a day. We always admire them and oooo and ahhh at the baby cows.

I couldn't beleive how grand it felt to stop and look, and listen...
and yes...smell!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Oh I do love the Blarney!
the leprechauns